One hell of a problem occur this week. Upon concreting of the left over RC gutter at the back of the right wing, first floor level, parts of the beam structure detached from the column due to the weight of the RC gutter.

As what can be seen from the above picture, the 2 beam connecting the RC gutterdrain snap due to the weight of the gutter. So how did it happen?  Will go through it one by one. Firstly, the beam connect the structure to the is design to be too small, and the column connecting it is a hell of 150 x 150 stiffener column -___- Well cant fault it where we Civil dudes had to design according to architectural drawings. Sorry to be bias here, but lets face it, this is construction field, you cant get away from facing off with architects right? They draw we built, tadaaa world filled with Marvelous-beautiful-fantastic-wonderful-impossible building, only don't know how long can they stand ^^

Secondly, the beam snap. Cause of...? This

Saw the steel bar? Well This beam and column on the left side is concreted 3 months ago before the concreting of the right side beam starts. All the rebars are lay and we can inspect how much it anchored into the column. Well not until the beam snap, that the steel bar is actually just lay into few inches and not anchored at all. Meaning no anchorage provided. OKkkkkk.... Well onto private talks here, the sub con is famous for building "impossible defects" at the site. Kind of sensitive issue there, so I am not gonna move into there.

Later we found out that the structural drawing missed out 2 column suppose to be there to support the rc gutter. sorry that i don't have Autocad in this comp and cant show where is the location. All in all, design error occurs. That's what you get when the consultant release their own drawing without doing some super impose and cross checking

Oh well, complaining doesnt get us further. Don't blame and complain, better used the time to just solve the problems. Best solution. Initially the beam is 3 inches gap off. What we worry is that when rain comes, the weight of the rainwater will completely topple the whole thing. How we solve? That will be cover in future post. By the way, the overall structure is still standing is due to the presence of one 1000 x 300 column at the left side. Afternoon, emergency repair works starts, to our amaze, the gap increase into 6inches, over one

For now, when the crane arrive, the rc gutter is hang up to reduce the weight temporary. Then support is to be inserted under the base of the gutter beam to jack it up temporary. Well look at the sky, the downpour is coming. no wonder they always say, prison and police station is the worst project to be taken, since they always not smooth in completion. Hmm I might just believe in that saying. hahaha

That's all for now folks. Till then. Ciaoz